The Fossil Section is open to all who have an interest in the collecting, study, preparation and display of fossils. Active participation by members in the program to collect, preserve, and study paleontological material is encouraged.
The Section is pledged to work, in cooperation with scientific institutions for the preservation of the geologic record. Members are encouraged to actively participate in the monthly meetings. Several field trips to fossil collecting sites in New York State are held each year.
Talks by professional paleontologists or knowledgeable collectors are coupled with interesting displays of fossil finds. Meetings are followed by a social hour with refreshments and open discussion of fossil and fossil collecting.
Monthly meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month from October--June at 7:30 pm at the NEQALS (North East Quadrant Advanced Life Support) building, Community Meeting Room, 1030 Jackson Road, Webster, 14580. All meetings are live, with simultaneous broadcast on Zoom.
President: Dan Krisher DLKFossil@gmail.com
Vice President/Program Chair: Michael Grenier paleo@frontier.com
Secretary: Dan Krisher DLKFossil@gmail.com
Treasurer: John Handley jhandley@rochester.rr.com
Director (three-year-term): Melanie Martin martin@nanoparticles.org
Director (two-year-term): Fred Haynes fred.patty.haynes@gmail.com
Director (one-year-term): Open
Field Trip Coordinator: Dan Krisher
Fossiletter Editor: Michael Grenier
To learn more about the fossils of New York, their geological history, stratigraphy, and how to collect and identify your fossils, click here.
LAST UPDATE October 16, 2021