Here we have links to videos on YouTube of important lectures given recently at Rochester Academy of Science meetings. The title for each of these (underlined) is the link to the video. Click on it to watch.
April 26, 2023 Rochester Academy of Science Annual Meeting lecture by Dr. Paul D. Curtis of Cornell University on "Living with Black Bears in New York State." In this presentation, Dr. Curtis discusses bear biology, behavior, and ways to reduce potential human-bear conflicts.
October 29, 2022 Rochester Academy of Science 48th Annual Fall Scientific Paper Session, hosted at the Rochester Museum & Science Center. Larry King Memorial Lecture by Dr. Bryan Danforth of Cornell University on "The Extraordinary Diversity of Solitary Bees". These are vital pollinators. It is not just the European Apis domesticated honeybees that pollinate our native and crop plants. Dr. Danforth’s lab studies the history of bee/plant co-evolution, historical biogeography of bees, and patterns of bee social evolution.
April 14, 2022 Rochester Academy of Science Annual Meeting lecture by Dr. John O'Shea on "Ice, Water, and Ancient Hunters" in which he describes his team's underwater archaeological investigations of paleo-Indian hunter-gatherer communities on the Alpena-Amberley Ridge, a high ridge of limestone and dolomite bedrock now over 100 meters below the surface of Lake Huron.
The library of the Academy is deposited and maintained in the University of Rochester Library. The following link will take you there.
In volume 20 of the Proceedings is an article by Richard A. Young on the geology of the Genesee Valley Glacial and Postglacial History. Interested readers might enjoy another article co-authored by Richard A. Young: Evidence for a late glacial advance near the beginning of the Younger Dryas in western New York State: An event postdating the record for local Laurentide ice sheet recession.
This article can be found in the journal Geosphere (2021) 17 (1): 271-305