The pages of the Proceedings of the Rochester Academy of Science are open primarily for publication of original, unpublished articles on any aspects of the natural sciences of western New York and adjacent areas, for the publication of articles by the scientists of the region, and for biographical articles on the scientists of this region, or those who have contributed to our knowledge of the natural history of western New York.
The Proceedings are currently published irregularly every few years. Beginning with Volume 21, issues will be published digitally along with a very limited number of printed copies. The entire collection of the Proceedings, beginning with volume 1 of 1890, has been scanned and may be accessed at the New York Heritage website: The site is a collaborative project of the Empire State Library Network, which includes the University of Rochester- River Campus Libraries. The University contributed the collection of digitized Proceedings to this website in 2016.
Digital copies of all Proceedings can be downloaded from the Academy’s website,, but are not searchable. Advanced searches of copies may be conducted on the New York Heritage website.
Print copies of the Proceedings are archived in the Department of Rare Books, Special Collections & Preservation and located in the stacks of the Rush Rhees Library of the University of Rochester. Correspondence concerning access to these may be addressed to:
Librarian, Rochester Academy of Science
Serials and Binding Department
Rush Rhees Library
University of Rochester
Rochester, New York 14627
Print copies of issues prior to 2020 may be purchased, if available, from the Academy for a nominal charge. Write to the address below or find current contact information at
Rochester Academy of Science
P.O. Box 92642
Rochester, NY 14692-0642
Volumes 1-21 (1890 - 2012) have been scanned and converted to PDF format. The link below will show a list of the volumes, each with a brief table of contents.
You can also find scanned copies of the Proceedings at the New York Heritage Digital Collections.