Members can borrow publications from the library for one month by selecting from the items brought to meetings, or by contacting the Librarian in advance to request a specific title. You may make alternative arrangements with the Librarian to pick up materials.
Our extensive mineralogical library has been made possible not only using club funds, but also by generous book donations from members such as the late Ann Peirce.
Starting in 2022, technologically outdated items will be purged. The library materials need to be examined and the list updated.
- Tourmaline for Breakfast – Jeff Scovil's talk on his travels through Madagascar at our December 2008 Holiday Party
- TOVECO, Tripp/Clark Beryl Mine, Alstead, NH presentation by Jim Tovey, October 2010
- Anorthosite and Native Brass - Collecting crystals with schiller on Miyake-jima, Japan by Alfredo Petrov, December 2010
- What's Hot in Munich 2012 – Highlights of the 2011 Munich, Germany mineral show... the largest in Europe. This year's show featured European classic minerals.
- June 12, 2012 Meeting speaker: Steve Chamberlain introducing his new book... Collector's Guide to the Minerals of New York State.
- October 16, 2012 Meeting Speaker: David K. Joyce Collecting at the Engineer Mine, Alkin, British Columbia, Canada
- November 20 , 2012 Meeting Speaker: Vandall T. King Understanding Pegmatites so you can find Tourmaline and its Friends.
Video recordings of most RAS Mineral Section meeting speakers since November 2012.
Lectures from the Rochester Mineralogical Symposium:
# 017 Lighting Effects in Mineral Photography by Dr. Wendell E. Wilson, 1989
# 021 Henry A. Ward: Merchant Naturalist by Dr. Sally Greggory Kohlstadt, 1989
# 033 Pseudomorphs by Dr. Carl Francis, 1990
# 035 Fluid Inclusions in Crystals: Clues to the Geologic Past by Dr. Edwin Roedder, 1990
# 047 Inclusions in Gem Crystals & Gemstones by John Koivula, 1991
# 051 Fluorite Collecting in the French Alps by Dr. Eric Asselborn, 1991
# 061 Mount St. Hilaire, Spice of Life by Dr. Frederick Pough, 1992
# 062 Reminiscences 3 by Dr. Frederick Pough, 1992
# 066 Gem & Mineral Mining in Maine by Vandall King, 1993
# 067 Rediscovering Old Mineral Localities in Alston Moor, 1993, Parts 1 & 2, Lindsay Greenbank, 1993
# 071 Green Fluorite Mining in England by Lindsay Greenbank, 1993
# 130 Collecting Pink Fluorites in the French Alps by Ernie Schlichter, 1999
# 138 Southern Illinois Fluorite Mining District by Roy Smith, 2000
# 176 Journeys to Pakistan in the Post 9/11 Era by Dudley Blauwet, 2004
# 200 Collecting at the Brushy Creek & Elmwood Mines by Joe Kielbaso, 2006
Club subscriptions and special issues purchased
The Mineralogical Record – 2008 to present. Plus various special issues of previous years.
Rocks & Minerals -- 2008 to present.
Extra Lapis #10 Opal - The Phenomenal Gemstone
Extra Lapis #12 Bolivia - The Height of Mineral Collecting
Extra Lapis #13 Smithsonite - Think Zinc!
Extra Lapis #14 Topaz - Perfect Cleavage, 2011
Field Trips for Snowbirds, Special Issue of Rock & Gem magazine 2013/2014 Snowbird Issue (New March 2014)
Older Rocks And Minerals magazines donated by Don Schultz:
#286 - Jan-Feb. 1962 #294 - May-June 1963 #297 - Nov-Dec. 1963
#365 February 1970 #388 January 1972 #389 February 1972
#390 March 1972 #391 April 1972 #392 May 1972
#393 June 1972 #394-395 July-Aug. 1972 #396 September 1972
#397 October 1972 #398 November 1972 #399 December 1972
#400 January 1973 #401 February 1973 #402 March 1973
#403 April 1973 #404 May 1973 #405 June 1973
#406-407 July-Aug 1973 #408 September 1973 #409 October 1973
#410 November 1973 #411 December 1973
MINERALup The Magazine for Discriminating European Collectors - 2006/2
Back Issues of the Mineralogical Record:
Colorado. Vol. 16, No. 3. May-Jun 1985
Australia. Vol. 19, No. 6. Nov-Dec 1988
New Mexico. Vol. 20, No. 1. Jan-Feb 1989
Michigan Copper Country. Vol. 23, No. 2. Mar-Apr 1992
Mines & Minerals of Peru. Vol. 28, No. 4. Jul-Aug 1997
Indian Zeolites and Related Species. Vol. 34, No.1. Jan-Feb 2003
China, Part I. Vol. 36, No. 1. Jan-Feb 2005
China, Part II. Vol. 38, No. 1. Jan-Feb 2007
Supplemental Issues to the Mineralogical Record on Private Collections:
The Lindsay Greenbank Collection: Classic Minerals of Northern England - Supplement to Jan-Feb 2010, Vol. 41, No. 1.
Private Mineral Collections in Italy - Supplement to Jan-Feb 2011 Issue
Private Mineral Collections in Texas - Supplement to Jan-Feb 2009 Issue
The Miguel Romero Collection of Mexican Minerals - Supplement to Nov-Dec 2008 Issue, Vol. 39, No. 6.
The Marc P. Weill Collection of Fine Minerals - Supplement to Jan-Feb 2008 Issue, Vol. 39, No 1.
Wilensky Fine Minerals, Vol. 3 - Supplement to May-Jun 2009
The Official Tucson Show Catalog, 1988. Pub. By Mineralogical Record
Mines & Minerals of Peru - Vol. 28, No. 4. July-Aug 1997
Indian Zeolites and Related Species. Vol. 34, No.1. Jan-Feb 2003
Famous Mineral Localities of Canada - Joel D. Grice (New October 2014)
Bancroft and Regional Mineral Collecting Guidebook, Bancroft & District Chamber of Commerce, 2013 (New April 2014)
Field Trips for Snowbirds, Special Field Trips Issue of Rock & Gem magazine, 2013 (New March 2014)
Rockhounding New York - A Field Guide, Robert Beard, 2014 (New March 2014)
American Mineral Treasures, Gloria Staebler & Wendell E. Wilson, editors, 2008
Field Collecting Minerals in the Empire State: Stories of Modern Day North Country Miners, Michael Walter, 2007
Pennsylvania's Rainbow Underground, Kerry Matt, 2007
The Mineral Kingdom, Paul E. Desautels (2 copies), 1968
Rocks & Minerals, Paul E. Desautels (2 copies), 1974
The Gem Kingdom, Paul E. Desautels, 1976
Mineral Recognition, Iris Vanders & Paul F. Kerr, 1967
The Collector's Encyclopedia of Rocks & Minerals, A.F.L. Deeson, editor. 1973
Encyclopedia of Minerals, Roberts, Rapp, and Weber, 1974
Gemstone & Mineral Data Book, John Sinkankas, 1974
Gems, Minerals, Crystals & Ores: the Collector's Encyclopedia, Richard M. Pearl, 1964
The World's Finest Minerals & Crystals, Peter Bancroft, 1973
Color Treasury of Crystals: Symmetry in the Mineral Kingdom, Vincenzo De Michele, 1972
The Collector's Encyclopedia of Rocks & Minerals, ed. By A.F.L. Deeson
Glossary of Mineral Species 1983, Michael Fleischer (spiral), 1983
Dana's Textbook of Mineralogy, Edward Salisbury Dana rev. - William E. Ford, 4th ed, 1949
Elements of Mineralogy, Brian Mason, 1968
Crystals and Light: An Introduction to Optical Crystallography, Elizabeth A. Wood, 2nd ed, 1977
Jade (Collectors' Blue Books), Louis Zara, 1969
The Art of the Lapidary, Francis J. Sperisen, 1961
Rocks and Minerals: A Guide for Collectors of the Eastern United States, H.H. Nicolay & A.V. Stone, 1967
Secret Places: Scenic Treasure of Western New York & Southern Ontario, Bruce Kershner, 1994
Rocks & Routes of the North Country New York, Bradford B. VanDiver, 1976
10 ^9 (1 billion) Years: A guide to the Geology of Westchester Co., NY. Thomas McGuire, 1991
Geology of NY: A Short Account. State Ed. Dept.
New Hampshire Mines & Mineral Localities, Philip Morrill
Colorado Gem Trails and Mineral Guide, Richard M. Pearl, 1965
Exhibiting: The Show Biz Aspect of the Hobby, Patricia Mummert & William Shelton, EFMLS, 1990
Minerals of New York State, David E. Jensen, 1978
A Collector's Guide to Maine Mineral Localities, W.B. Thompson, D.L. Joyner, R.G. Woodman & V.T. King (FRAS). (New January 2012)
The Identification of Some Maine Minerals and Rocks, Joseph M. Trefethen (New January 2012)
We Walk on Jewels - Treasure Hunting in Maine for Gems and Minerals, Jean Blakemore (New January 2012)
Field Guidebook for The Geology of the Genesee Valley Area of Western New York, National Association of Geology Teachers (New January 2012)
Minerals and Man, Cornelius S. Hurlbut, Jr. (New January 2012)
The Geology of Acadia National Park, 1970 (New April 2012)
The Geology of New Jersey -- Bulletin 50, Geologic Series, Dept. of Conservation & Development, State of New Jersey, 1940 (New April 2012)
Nature's Garden of Crystals -- Vandall T. King, editor. (New November 2012)
Famous Mineral Localities of Canada - Joel D. Grice (New October 2014)
The World of Ward's (1960's?)
Toronto's Geological Past, An Introduction. Ministry of Natural Resources
New Mountains from Old Rocks: the Adirondacks - The Geology of the Lake Placid Region, NYS Geo. Survey, Leaflet 23,
Continental Collisions & Ancient Volcanoes - The Geology of Southeastern NY, Yngvar W. Isachsen, NYS Geo. Survey, Leaflet 24
Texas Rocks & Fossils, State Dept. of Highways & Public Transportation
The Minerals of Tsumeb, Otavi District, South West Africa (typed list & map)
Exhibiting -- The Show Biz Aspect of the Hobby, Patricia A. Mummert and Willian Shelton, 1990, Eastern Federation of Mineralogical and Lapidary Societies, Inc.
Minerals of New Jersey, Report #1 from the Geologic Society of New Jersey, 1959 (New April 2012)
Trap Rock Minerals of New Jersey -- Bulletin 64, New Jersey Geological Survey, 1960 (New April 2012)
Geology of the Mammoth Cave National Park Area, Kentucky Geological Survey, 1962 (New April 2012)
Rochester Mineralogical Symposium Programs:
1984 (11th) 1986 (13th) 1987 (14th) 1988 (15th)
1989 (16th) 1991 (18th) 1993 (20th) 1994 (21st)
1998 (25th) 1999 (26th) 2000 (27th) 2002 (29th)
2003 (30th) 2004 (31st)
Book Donations Received February 2012
Dana's Manual of Mineralogy - 17th Edition, Cornelius S. Hurlburt, 1959
- An old classic mineralogy book that is still an excellent learning tool and reference for collectors.
Dana's Textbook of Mineralogy - 4th Edition, W.E. Ford, 1932
- An old classic mineralogy book that is still an excellent learning tool and reference for collectors. More advanced, and more minerals described than in Dana's Manual.
Encyclopedia of Minerals by Willard Lincoln Roberts, George Robert Rapp, Jr., Julius Webber - 1974
Invertebrate Fossils by Raymond C. Moore, Cecil G. Lalicker, & Alfred G. Fischer - 1952. A very comprehensive paleontology textbook. Illustrates and describes many of the Paleozoic invertebrate fossils found in our region.
Mineral Recognition by I. Vanders and P.F. Kerr, 1967- a very comprehensive mineral identification reference.
A Guide to Minerals, Rocks, and Fossils by WR Hamilton, AR Woolley, and AC Bishop, 1974
The Beauty of Banded Agates by Michael R. Carlson, 2002- lots of color photographs or agates.
A Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms by Paul W. Thrush and Staff of the Bureau of Mines, 1968- US Department of the Interior, 1968
- A huge book with thousands of obscure words and terms related to mining and mineralogy. Interesting to look at.
The Complete Book of Micromounting, by Quintin Wight, 1993
National Parkways - Yellowstone National Park, 1976
National Parkways - Grand Teton National Park, 1976
– Each includes numerous pictures, and information-including the geology of the parks
Outline of Glacial Geology - University of Wisconsin, by F.T. Thwaites, 1961- a college course guide
Lava Flows Nature Trail - Sunset Crater National Monument - Arizona, By Southwest Parks & Monuments Assoc., 1973
Practical Gem Knowledge for The Amateur, by Charles J. Parsons G.G.,F.G.A., 1969
The Mineralogy of Michigan, by E. Wm Heinrich, 1976
The Agates of North America, Complied by Hugh Leiper, F.G.A., published by The Lapidary Journal - 1966
Minerals, Fossils, and Fluorescents of Arizona, A Field Guide for Collectors, by Neil R. Bearce, 2006
Michigan's Keweenaw Peninsula Pleasure Map - 2 copies A very general tourist map.
Minerals of the Magnet Cove Area, Garland and Hot Springs Counties, Arkansas, by Arthur E. Smith Jr - 9118 Concho, Houston, Texas 77036 (1972), Copy Number 6 - Partial
Gems Trails of Arizona - A Field Guide for Collectors, by Bessie W. Simpson - 1974 - Fourth Revised Edition
Gem Trails of Arizona - A Field Guide for Collectors, by Bessie W. Simpson and James R. Mitchell, Expanded, Revised Edition - 1989
Midwest Gem, Fossil and Mineral Trails (Great Lake States), by June Culp Zeitner - 1999
Rocks and Minerals - A Guide for collectors of the Eastern United States, by H.H. Nicolay and A.V. Stone - 1967
Geodes Nature's Treasures, by Brad L. Cross and June Culp Zeitner, 2006
Centrifugal or Lost Wax Jewelry Casting, by Murray Bovin, 1970