Annual Meeting Agenda.
1) Welcome & President’s Comments.
2) Conduct Election (Tony or other nominations committee member).
3) Financial Report (Michael & Tim).
4) Award of Fellowship in the RAS to Carol Latta. Michael - opening comments. Tony - reading of the award.
5) Spring Lecture (Intro by Jeff Gutterman – Dr. Adam Frank,
"Astrobiology: The search for alien life.")
For directions, click here.
7:30PM Public Spring Lecture
Dr. Adam Frank presenting on “Astrobiology: The search for alien life.” He is the Helen F. and Fred H. Gowen Professor of Physics and Astronomy, and Astronomy LLE Distinguished Scientist at the University of Rochester. .
For more details, please visit our Spring Lecture page click here.
Meeting Close
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RAS 2024 Ballot (pdf)